Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What are AI/UX Specification deliverables?

I'm currently on the receiving end of an external vendor's attempt to define a User Experience Design deliverable.

And frankly I'm not sure whether they have it right or not. And it is not their fault. It is the fault of the organisation I'm currently working for who still follow 10 year old project management principles in high regard - despite the fact they often over-ride the very frameworks and process step that they venerate.

It IS hard moving forward when you are big and are focussed on living in a one project at a time world.

The organisation in question is more contract deliverable focussed and this is not necessarily good for a solution focussed person like me. They shuffle paperwork really well, and their documentation management skills are rather impressive given the volume they generate!

When I started on the project over a year ago I found a complete lack of what one could call user experience design specifications, templates or guideline documentation - and this from an organisation that have been building and supporting quite complex applications for over 20 years - and have internally built web-based sites and business applications all used by the business on a daily basis.

Then, as a UXD I get asked to review a document produced by an external vendor who is now in exactly the same predicament I was in.

And I'm none the wiser.
